1. Onmens 04:12
2. Geestenrijk 04:27
3. Heksenwaan 04:21
4. Hijs de zeilen 05:10
5. Zwart water 04:47
6. Kerberos 03:40
7. Niet alleen de avond valt 06:04
8. De laatste dans gedanst 05:21
Schavot is inspired by the nineties: the golden era of Scandinavian black metal.
Schavot is a project by multi-instrumentalist Floris from Meslamtaea
Meslamtaea, Asgrauw & Sagenland.
The cover of Schavot's album recalls a terrible and tragic time in the 16th century, when nearly 200 people were killed during the witch trials in the Netherlands, and of course in even greater numbers elsewhere in Europe and North America.
The slow, bell-like ringing of the chords and the mournful classical strings at the beginning of "De Laatste Dans Gedanst", accompanied by weeping bass notes, are themselves a reflection of the tragedy, but the music also erupts, with violently pounding drums, the high, buzzing guitars that ignite with intensity, and the shouted vocals that become a burning presence themselves.
Even then, in this seething cauldron of sounds, there is a sense of terrible tragedy in the music, but also the delirium of pain. The sounds, including the extravagant, ragged screams, are turbulent and soul-wrenching, but at the same time the song soars in a ravishing display of sombre splendor, so grand in its scale and dramatic in its anguish and trauma that it could drive your heart into your throat.
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