1. Zwavel En Wierook
2. De Bloedrode Beek
3. De Swarte Hand
4. Tot Eenzaamheid Verbannen
5. Kraaien op het Galgenveld
6. Wurgilnõ
7. De Doden Rusten Niet In Vrede
8. Op De Heide Roept Het Kwaad (Exclusive track)
Composer: Peter Savelkoul
Lyrics: Peter Savelkoul
Recorded in het Galgenveld Maart-Mei 2023
Alle instrumenten, Teksten, Zang door C
Wurgilnõ started activities early 2023 and is the One-man Black Metal project of Consanguineus, member of the Dutch Black Avangarde band Inverted Pentagram and Corpusculum. Consanguineus started playing in his first Black-Metal band Belphegor (NL) in 1990 which changed into Inverted Pentagram in the middle of 1991. At the same time he was involved in Corpusculum, then a more Black Noise band now more traditional Black Metal. After the recording of “De Doden Rusten Niet in Vrede” Demo Consanguineus decided to put it on Bandcamp after he did 3 singles there at the same time he ordered the Cassette version in a limited edition of 50 copies. A few days later he was contacted by Alexander Fetzner of Fetzner Death Records in Germany who asked him for a possible CD release on his label, they agreed and a bonus track was written for the CD version. After re-mastering the Demo “De Doden Rusten Niet in Vrede” was send in for the release.
Wurgilnõ as a name was found in a old Frysian/Dutch document from the 5th/6th century meaning ‘a corpse on a gallow’. Lyriccally Wurgilnõ deals with myths and legends from the South of The Netherlands like the Goatriders, a band of robbers who as legends tell worshipped the devil. Other songs are dealing with the darker side of life and myths of battles fought many centuries ago.
Wurgilnõ is a DIY project, everything from songwriting, lyrics, artwork, recording to mixing and mastering is done by Consanguineus himself.
More information about Wurgilnõ can be found on Facebook, Instagram or Bandcamp.