1. Fagyott medrek (Frozen Beds) 3:03
2. Éjben süvít (Howls in the night) 4:42
3. Éltető vízcseppek (Drops of life-giving water) 3:55
4. Heliopause 2:58
5. Jégbarlang (Ice Cave) 3:57
6. Kapuk (Gates)5:23
7. Kövek alatt rezdülő (Vibrating under stones) 2:06
8. Ködfelhő (Cloud of fog) 4:23
9. Kulcs (Key) 4:42
10. Molyrágta menedék (Moth-gnawed shelter)1:17
11. Üvöltő szelek a télben (Howling Winds in Winter) 5:32
12. Aphelium 7:10
13. Őszi csodák (Autumn Miracles) 2:01
Line Up:
Jégzivatar is the solo project of Adrian Pénzes from Hungary.
With the album 'Kapuk', Jégzivatar's music continues to drift along the unusual path of Black Metal it wrought to itself.
Its melodies all carry with themselves the mournful and melancholic lyrical mysticism. The music combines clear deep dark canta and gloomy echoing snoring. The slow disphoric tunes and the great harmony of the piano invite the soul to travel even further.
This dimension quite far from the original extent of genre what everyone has to experience but not all will perceive the Profundity it offer
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