1. То ми були (Its we were) 4:24
2. Цивілізація (Civilization) 7:32
3. Смуток (Sadness) 4:54
4. Я завжди один (I'm always alone) 4:52
5. Набридло пану бути добрим (The Lord is tired to be kind) 6:53
6. Чим це все закінчиться (How will it all end) 3:56
7. Жалюгідний (Bonus_Pathetic) 8:05
Composer and author of lyrics; Artur Yashchuk (Lisoviy) and Pakhotin Olexander (Rodoslov)
Horyn are a solo project from Ukraine that plays a very atmospheric form of black metal and this is a review of his self released 2023 album "Голоси моїх зневірених думок".
Voices of my despairing thoughts (Eng)
A very dark, heavy and atmospheric sound starts off the album while clean playing can also be heard at times. Vocals are mostly grim yet high pitched sounding black metal screams along with all of the musical instruments also having a very powerful sound to them and the music also has its atmospheric moments.
Melodies are also added into some of the guitar riffing while synths can also be heard in the background at times. Some of the tracks are also very long and epic in length along with some tracks also adding in a small amount of clean playing along with some songs also taking the music into more of an experimental direction.
When t he music speeds up a small amount of tremolo picking and blast beats can b e be heard which also gives the recording more of a raw feeling along with the solos and leads also being done in a very melodic style when they are utilized as well as one track also adding in a brief use of folk instruments and spoken word parts, one song is also an instrumental which also adds in some tribal percussion and most of the album sticks to a mid tempo direction. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics are written in Ukrainian and cover how people devour each other and hatred for all things.
In my opinion Horyn are a very great sounding atmospheric black metal solo project and if you are a fan of t his musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Цивілізація" and "Жалюгідний".
the exact genre is "black metal" but sub-genre is atmospheric / depressive / industrial (depending the album or song)
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